Picture this...
Lead-generating websites, AI-powered Smart CRM (because we're smart and fun), and a buffet of lead generating options.
We're talking automated processes, like lead routing and incubation, all served with a side of digital, social, and print marketing options.

Supercharge your business with rlpSPHERE!
At Royal LePage, we're shaking up the real estate game with rlpSPHERE – our digital dynamo! Think of it as our coolest tech wizardry, jam-packed into the kvCORE platform. We've Canadianized, customized, and jazzed it up with branded content, creating a full-throttle, turbo-charged solution just for Royal LePager's.
Don't just take our word for it...
Discover firsthand how rlpSPHERE turbocharged our own Carlo De Castris's business at Estate Realty!
RLPE Innovative Empowerment Hub
At Royal LePage Estate Realty, we go beyond the conventional in supporting you. We're committed to provide you the services and supports.
Perform with Our Advanced Tools
Amplify Your Real Reach, Boost Your Brand
Successful Sales People are Always Learning
We Recognized Your Hard Work
Get Your Real Quality Leads